Psicólogo Menorca
Raquel Escortell
Doctora Internacional en Psicología y Educación y experta en Neuropsicología. En la actualidad, combino la docencia e investigación con la práctica clínica, en la que ayudo a mejorar las vidas de niños, adolescentes, adultos y personas de la tercera edad. Psicólogo Menorca.
Mi experiencia en el extranjero me permitió ampliar la visión sobre la persona, por ello dirigí mi formación a diferentes enfoques combinando aportes de la psicología tradicional, la neurociencia y la psicología holística, a fin de ofrecer una ATENCIÓN INTEGRAL (inconsciente, mente, cuerpo y emoción).
- Doctora Internacional en Psicología y Educación
- Máster Universitario en Psicología General Sanitaria
- Máster Universitario en Neuropsicología y Educación
- Grado en Psicología
- Grado en Magisterio: especialidad Educación Infantil
- Especialista en Psicología Holística
- Especialista en Neuropsicología de las Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas
- Especialista en Hipnosis Clínica Reparadora
- Autism Diagnostic Observational Shedule (ADOS-2)
- Clinical and Advance Training in Neurofeedback
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Psicólogo Menorca – Mis publicaciones en otras webs
Diferencias de sexo y curso en cyberbullying en estudiantes españoles de 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria
El acoso a través de las tecnologías informáticas o cyberbullying es un fenómeno de aparición reciente, pero de gran impacto en el bienestar de los menores. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar las diferencias de cyberbullying (víctimas, acosadores y observadores) atendiendo al sexo y curso. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 548 estudiantes de 5º y 6º de educación primaria con un rango de edad de 10 a 13 años.
Personality traits and aggression as explanatory variables of cyberbullying in Spanish preadolescents
There is a growing interest in preventing cyberbullying in youth. However, multiple questions remain as to the relationship between cyberbullying and psychosocial variables. This study examines the relationship between personality traits, aggression and cyberbullying (victims, bullies, victimized bullies and not involved) in 548 Spanish students aged 10 to 13 (50.2% boys). To do so, the Screening of Peer Harassment, the Big Five Questionnaire for Children and the Aggression Questionnaire were used. Logistic regression analyses indicated that the extraversion trait is an explanatory factor for being a victim and openness is a protective factor against being a cyberbully. Agreeableness was found to be a positive predictor of being a cyberbullying victim. Only verbal aggression and anger were included as explanatory factors of being a victim and a victimized bully, respectively. The results are discussed, suggesting their potential implications in the development of preventive programs
The aim of the present study was to carry out a documentary review about the cyberbullying phenomenon. Specifically, this investigation analyzed researches related to risk factors and school consequences in students of Primary, Secondary and University Education. The search was made through the hermeneutic method, taking as samples indexed databases, such as Scopus, Scielo, Proquest or Web of Science. The results obtained show data about school factors that predispose the participation of victims, stalkers and observers, as well as the consequences in school matters that derive from participation in each role. All this is of great relevance when it comes to understanding the phenomenon, as well as in the identification of possible cases of cyberbullying based on the behavior of those involved
The rapid increase in cases of cybervictimization amongst children has led researchers to examine the psychoemotional factors related to cyberbullying behavior, in an attempt to prevent and minimize its impact. The objective of this study was to establish and contrast the fit of an explanatory model on cybervictimization based on its relationship with self-concept, aggressiveness, and school anxiety using a structural equations analysis. A total of 542 Spanish students aged 10-12 (M age = 10.97; SD = 0.74) completed a battery of questionnaires. An adjusted structural equations model was obtained (χ2 = 512.23; df = 99; p < 0.001; CFI = 0.928; NFI = 0.91; IFI = 0.928; RMSEA = 0.078). A direct and negative relationship was obtained between cybervictimization and self-concept and between cybervictimization and school anxiety. In addition, a direct and positive relationship was found between aggressiveness and self-concept and between aggressiveness and school anxiety. Indirect relationships were not found between the variables. The study’s findings demonstrate that the variables of self-concept and school anxiety are directly related to cybervictimization and that the improved psychoemotional adjustment of the youngest students may help to prevent the risk of being victimized over the Internet.
Authentic Leadership and Job Satisfaction: A Fuzzy- Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA)
The relationship between leadership and job satisfaction has attracted considerable scientific interest, especially in relation to the quality of tourism businesses. This study investigated this relationship within the framework of authentic leadership. The study also explored differences between outsourced workers and internal hotel employees in terms of the influence of authentic leadership on job satisfaction.
La ansiedad escolar como variable explicativa del ciberacoso en estudiantes españoles de Educación Primaria
Este estudio analizó el poder explicativo de la ansiedad escolar sobre el ciberacoso y las diferencias de ansiedad escolar según su papel en el ciberacoso (víctimas, agresores, agresores-victimizados y no implicados). Se aplicó el “Screening de acoso entre iguales” (SAI) y el “Inventario de ansiedad escolar para Educación Primaria” (IAEP) a 548 estudiantes (50,2% chicos) de 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria (10-13 años). Las evidencias halladas situaron las puntuaciones altas en ansiedad ante la evaluación social como variable explicativa del papel de víctima, así como niveles más elevados en ansiedad psicofisiológica en el caso de los agresores. La ansiedad ante el castigo escolar aparece como un factor protector para no ser agresor y agresor-victimizado. Además, los estudiantes víctimas de ciberacoso manifiestan más síntomas de ansiedad ante distintas situaciones escolares que los estudiantes agresores-victimizados y los no implicados en casos de ciberacoso. Los hallazgos obtenidos son discutidos destacando la ansiedad escolar como una variable explicativa de actuar como víctima, agresor y agresor-victimizado de ciberacoso, pudiendo estos guiar en la elaboración de programas de prevención eficaces.
Cyberbullying has aroused scientific interest given the impact it has on the lives of young people. The present study proposes to analyze the relationship between self-concept (Self-Description Questionnaire I), academic goals (Achievement Goals Tendencies Questionnaire), and the participation of the roles of victim, bully and bystander in cyberbullying (Cyberbullying. Screening for peer bullying and cyberbullying), by gender and grade. The sample was composed of 548 students (49.8% girls) in 5 th and 6 th grade of Primary Education ( Mage = 10.95, SD = 0.7). Logistic regression analyses showed the explicative role of social self-concept and learning goals in the three roles, highlighting the academic self-concept and achievement goals in the victims, as well as the high social reinforcement goals in bullies and bystanders. This relation varied slightly according to gender and grade, being the motivational orientation towards school achievement a protector of victimization in girls and 6 th grade students. The findings are discussed, pointing out their involvement in the development of preventive cyberbullying programs in preadolescence.
School risk factors and consequences of Cyberbyllying: a review study
The aim of the present study was to carry out a documentary review about the cyberbullying phenomenon. Specifically, this investigation analyzed researches related to risk factors and school consequences in students of Primary, Secondary and University Education. The search was made through the hermeneutic method, taking as samples indexed databases, such as Scopus, Scielo, Proquest or Web of Science.
La autoeficacia académica y la inteligencia emocional como factores asociados al éxito académico de los estudiantes universitarios
La autoeficacia en el contexto educativo y la competencia emocional son variables de relevancia para la explicación del éxito académico. La presente investigación pretende analizar si la autoeficacia académica y la inteligencia emocional, están relacionadas con el éxito académico que obtienen los estudiantes universitarios. Para ello, la Escala de Autoeficacia Percibida Específica de Situaciones Académicas (EAPESA) y la Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) fueron administradas a 573 estudiantes universitarios españoles matriculados en primer curso de los Grados de Maestro de Educación Infantil y Maestro de Educación Primaria. Los resultados muestran que ambas variables están significativamente relacionadas con el éxito académico y que los alumnos con un bajo éxito escolar presentan puntuaciones menores en inteligencia emocional y en autoeficacia académica. Estos hallazgos son discutidos identificando el ajuste emocional y la autoeficacia académica como factores a promover en el alumnado universitario para mejorar su éxito en los estudios, así como su futura labor como docentes.
Cyberbullying is a common social maladjustment that has negative repercussions on the wellbeing and development of adolescents, but numerous questions remain as to the relationship between cyberbullying and social anxiety in adolescence. This study analyzes cyberbullying profiles (screening of harassment among peers) and assesses whether these profiles vary with respect to the level of social anxiety (social anxiety scale for adolescents). The sample consisted of 1412 Spanish secondary education students aged 12 to 18 (M = 14.36, SD = 1.65). Latent class analysis and ANOVA were performed. Analyses revealed three profiles: high cyberbullying (high victimization, aggression, and aggression-victimization), low cyberbullying (moderate victimization, aggression, and aggression-victimization), and non-cyberbullying. The cyberbullying patterns varied significantly for all social anxiety subscales. Students with the high cyberbullying profile (bully–victims) presented high scores on social avoidance and distress in social situations in general with peers, whereas these students presented lower levels of fear of negative evaluation and distress and social avoidance in new situations as compared to the low cyberbullying (rarely victim/bully) and non-involved student profiles. Implications for psychologists and educational counselors and cyberbullying preventive interventions are discussed.
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